Cactus Care Sheet
**Your cutting should be placed in dry soil until rooted, then watered sparingly**
**If there is any sulfur (yellow powder) on the cut end of your cutting(s), wash it off before planting**
My latest mix is pretty simple:
- (1) Full Bag of Fox Form Ocean Forest soil (full size bag: 1.5 cubic ft)
- (1) Full Bag of E.B. Stone Cactus (full size bag: 1.5 cubic ft)
- 2.5 Gallons (half of a Home Depot bucket) of Pumice
- 2.5 Gal of Coco Coir (70/30 Coco/Perlite Mix)
- 2.5 Gal of good quality compost
This makes almost a full 30 gal trash can full of soil, but can of course be scaled down accordingly
If pumice is not available in your area it can be substituted with perlite, but I like pumice a lot better because of its ability to hold its shape rather than breaking up and eventually compacting like perlite tends to do over time.
Full sun to partial shade. At least 6+ hours of direct sun. In my experience the more sun the better.
Water when the soil goes dry approximately 2-3 inches below the soil surface, use your finger to check. Every area has different conditions and because of this there are no set rules when it comes to watering. Sparingly, rather than excessively is a good rule of thumb. I like to remind people that Trichos are not desert cacti, and can be watered pretty often. The Andes Mountains in Peru rains for a short period almost every day. As long as your mix is well draining enough, these cacti appreciate water.
Thanks for shopping with Mallacht's Plants and enjoy your new cactus!